Parents involvement

Scrap books

Children are asked to bring 3 scrapbooks during the first three weeks of Term 1. This is to be used to collect the various samples of children’s artwork. The completed book will be returned at the end of the year.

Laundry roster

This involves washing the children’s towels and dressing up clothes. You may be asked to do this a number of times throughout the year. Ironing is not necessary. The washing will be sent home with your child when it is your turn.


To keep you in touch with what is happening in the Centre, we will conduct interviews throughout the year to discuss your child’s progress or any problems that may have arisen. These will take place on Wednesday mornings.

Parent involvement

Parents are required to stay at the Kindergarten only on roster duty, however they are encouraged to stay for a short time if there are problems settling the child. Parent participation is also encouraged with special activities and if the parent has special skills, eg musical talents, dancing, craft making etc. Please contact the staff, as children love parents joining in with their activities.

Voluntary contributions

This contribution is needed to provide your child with extra resources that cannot be catered for with existing funds, eg art/craft materials. The cost is $40.00 per student for the year. The P&C voluntary contribution is $10.00 per family. These contributions can be paid on ‘enrolment day’.


Throughout the year, your child/ren may be involved in excursions/incursions etc for which a charge is required. When this occurs, a note will go home requesting payment (eg $5 for a visit to the zoo). The total of all of these activities will not exceed $55 for the whole year.

Personal items

All students are requested to purchase personal items to start the school year, eg tissues and soap.