Principals message

Balcatta Primary School is a state primary school first opened in 1964 and is placed on Main Street in central Balcatta, ten minutes’ drive to the coast.

The school is divided into 3 blocks with separate purpose built rooms for Library, Music, Visual art and computer. The school has two large sporting ovals with playgrounds with new equipment for students of all ages. Balcatta Primary School provides Kindergarten education to students turning four by 30 June. The Kindergarten and Pre-Primary is located on site. This involves two and a half days attendance where the students begin their school journey through a stimulating and educational atmosphere.

This learning journey continues with full time Pre-Primary program progressing through to year six. We respond to both evidence, data and educational research to ensure that the best possible education is provided to all students at Balcatta Primary School. Parent and community members are encouraged to play an active role as we know this builds an effective school and improves the outcomes of students. Our dedicated P&C Association takes an active role throughout the school. Their fund raisers and engagement opportunities are aligned to school priorities and we work in partnership for the improvement of students.

‘Forever Upwards’ is our school motto.  The school staff encourage students to celebrate academic, physical, artistic and social success.

Our Curriculum and Learning Environment committees ensure that the academic and health and wellbeing of all members of our community are at the forefront of our work. Representatives from the school community and staff meet twice a term to ensure school improvement. We foster a self-improvement and self-reflective school culture at Balcatta Primary School with adults and children being valued for their unique individual qualities and contributions.

Balcatta Primary School teachers are dedicated in providing a relevant and meaningful curriculum to ensure students are equipped to be positive, contributing citizens of the future.  Teachers are caring professionals with a wealth of experience in teaching and learning pedagogy to ensure the potential of students is realised.

Balcatta Primary School is a school that achieves excellent results.  This is reflected in the annual National Australian Literacy and Numeracy testing where results are consistently above like schools of similar backgrounds. We are striving for excellence measuring ourself against schools with significantly more social advantage than our students.

Students at Balcatta come from a wealth of cultural backgrounds.  We have an English as a Second Language teacher who provides wonderful support for new non-English speaking students.

Peter Gates